Refereed publications

Racial and ethnic representation in local government (with Brian Beach, Daniel Jones, and Randy Walsh)

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy., 2024, 16(2), pp. 1-36. (Download) (Appendix) (Journal link)

Media references: Boston Globe, National Affairs.

Trade competition and migration: Evidence from the quartz crisis

Journal of International Economics, 2022, 138, 103653. (Download)

Trade Talks podcast
Replication files

Zoning and segregation in urban economic history (with Allison Shertzer and Randy Walsh)

Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2022, 74, 103652. (Download)

A machine learning approach to improving occupational income scores (with Martin Saavedra)

Explorations in Economic History, 2020, 75, 101304. (Download)

LIDO score data
Replication files

The long-run impact of zoning: Institutional hysteresis and durable capital in Seattle, 1920-2015

Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2018, 73, pp. 155-169. (Download)

Media references: White House CEA blog.

Zoning and the economic geography of cities (with Allison Shertzer and Randy Walsh)

Journal of Urban Economics, 2018, 105, pp. 20-39. (Download)

Media references: Houston Chronicle, CityLab.

Complementarity and identification

Econometric Theory, 2017, 33(5), pp. 1154-1185. (Download)

Danger zone: Land use and the geography of neighborhood crime

Journal of Urban Economics, 2017, 100, pp. 104-119. (Download)

Media references: CityLab, Planetizen. My non-technical writeup for LSE's USAPP blog.

Race, ethnicity, and discriminatory zoning (with Allison Shertzer and Randy Walsh)

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2016, 8(3), pp. 217-246. (Download)

Replication files

Other publications

The long-run impact of zoning in U.S. cities

In Measuring the Effectiveness of Real Estate Regulation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, ed. Ronit Levine-Schnur, Springer, 2020. (Link)

Working papers and selected works in progress

Land use regulation and individual welfare (with Brian Beach)


The long-run impacts of zoning the suburbs (with Ryan Gallagher and Allison Shertzer)

Municipal socialism in the United States, 1900-1940 (with James Siodla)

Shutting down Japantown: The effects of WWII internment on Japanese-American enclaves (with Martin Saavedra)

Succession of exclusion: Zoning as a substitute for racial covenants (with Aradhya Sood)